New Year ... New Goals
Obviously everyone is thinking about tomorrow and what the New Year will bring. Its a time for me to look back on what's gone right and what's gone wrong over the last year and build on that. Personally, I'm feeling pretty chuffed (not smug I hope!) at the things that have gone right over the past year, My business has grown so much. This wasn't too hard a target as 2017 was my first proper year and I didn't do very well at all. I can't thank the people in my life enough who have pushed, encouraged, helped me during the last year to keep focused and look at the big picture so many times.

My sister, who has now started her own crafty business (Check out A Crafty Den - inspired my first bunting business idea and pushed me until I started.

My hubby (shocking that this is the best recent photo of us together! Note to self, must do better next year.) who is such a inspiration with his own business and listens to my endless chats about what patterns go together and what I need to do next to grow my google reach etc. I must thank my customers for buying my bunting either on my website, Amazon or Etsy. You are the reason I am able to continue as without you I would have not got this far. Whether you have bought 1 metre, 10 metres or hired 100metres I am very grateful. Please continue to leave reviews, post photos and hire/buy and I will continue to make!

My little ladies are always wanting to help me when I say I need to do a few orders. At their ages (5 and 3) there isn't much sewing I will allow them too, quality control would end up in a lot of wastage methinks! BUT they love to to stick the return address labels or stamp my logo onto the front of my envelopes. They are so keen to help I've even had to find more jobs like cutting my little ribbon logo tags which I sew into my bunting to keep them busy.
Sooo what are my 2019 aims, goals, dreams?? I guess firstly it's to do the same if not better than 2018! With the addition of baby no. 3 in May things might slow down but I'm hopeful I can work around my children (as long as I'm not too sleep deprived.) as I have done for the last 2 years. I figure if I write my ambitions on here its a way of being accountable to myself and anybody who reads this. These aims might seem small but to a small business I want to make them realistic as well as long term targets.
1. Do more blog posts and social media posts about hiring bunting.
2. Get 10 or more bunting hires throughout the year. (I had 6 last year)
3. Approach some businesses to sell packs of bunting.
4. Focus on marketing (hard for me as I'm best in the sewing room.)
5. Get a better work life - I need to dedicate quality to growing rather than 10 mins here or half an hour there.
Well thats all for now folks, check back in soon to see if I've got as far as completing no. 1 of my targets! If you have any blog ideas or any questions I could answer in a blog please email or leave a comment. I love to hear from anyone whos been on here to have a nose around.
Jo x